The first team of reindeer to fill their sleigh with all of the gifts wins the race. When a player returns to the line, they must hand the antlers to the next person in line, who must put them on and take the sleigh back to retrieve another gift from the pile. When you signal the start of the race, the first players in line don their antlers, pull the sleighs to the stack of presents, load a gift inside and return to their teams. Inform the players that Santa is almost ready to embark on his journey, but the elves are snowed in at the toy shop, so it's up to the reindeer to load the sleigh. Give the first player in line for each team a pair of antlers. Stack a pile of gifts or empty, wrapped boxes on the floor in a spot on the other side of the room (make sure you have one gift per player). Attach lengths of ribbon to each box to form the sleigh reins.ĭivide players into two teams and have each team form a line on one side of the room. You can even cover them in holiday gift wrapping or have the guests paint and decorate them as one of the party activities. To play this game, you will need two large boxes to act as the sleighs.
The Spruce Home Improvement Review Board.